An Overview of Depositions for Witnesses

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If you’re a witness in an injury case, there are a number of steps in the ligation process before a lawsuit can be settled. One of those vital steps is partaking in a deposition. A deposition will occupied by both your lawyer and the prosecution, as well as a court reporter. Sometimes a representative from the insurance company will preside. A good lawyer should be able to prepare you well for your deposition.

A deposition is, essentially, an interview that the opposing team will ask you. The Orange County court reporters will swear you in before you make any statements, and therefore everything you say in a deposition must be completely truthful and under oath. If you change your answers during the pending trial, then you could be labeled as an unreliable witness, or worse, a perjurer.

A deposition can be a little unnerving, especially when the opposing lawyer questions your veracity. You shouldn’t let this worry you, though, if you are telling the truth. Attending a deposition requires that you know vital details about the incident in question, as details are what make up most injury suits.

During a deposition, after you’ve been sworn in by Los Angeles court reporters, you will first be asked about the basic facts of your case, or the incident leading up to the injury. You will be asked the “when, where, how and what” of the incident, as well as the nature of the injury itself, the medical costs and how it has negatively impacted your life.

Some of the questions that the opposing lawyer will ask you may surprise you, too. He may ask you things that are seemingly irrelevant to the case in question, such as your living arrangement, family and relationships, financial status and previous medical history. You may also be asked about any other previous claims you participated in. Asking seemingly irrelevant questions is part of the opposing lawyer’s mission to fish for anything he can use against you in the case. He’s looking for something that may prove you suspect as a witness, or something that makes you less than forthcoming.

As long as you answer all of the lawyer’s questions honestly and are forthcoming, you should have nothing to worry about.